Read marks with Ecto and Phoenix
As always, Rails has an easy, pluggable way to do this with unread but it isn’t too hard to add the same to your Phoenix app. Let’s try!
First we’ll generate the table and schema that holds the read marks. This assumes you have two tables: users
and stories
mix phoenix.gen.model ReadMark read_marks \
user_id:references:users \
Open up the newly generated web/models/read_mark.ex
and set up the associations:
defmodule MyApp.ReadMark do
use MyApp.Web, :model
schema "read_marks" do
belongs_to :user, MyApp.User
belongs_to :story, MyApp.Story
And in the existing models:
defmodule MyApp.User do
schema "users" do
has_many :read_marks, MyApp.ReadMark, on_delete: :delete_all
defmodule MyApp.Story do
schema "stories" do
has_many :read_marks, MyApp.ReadMark, on_delete: :delete_all
This is all the setup we need.
We can now get unread stories for a user with a query like:
defmodule MyApp.Story do
def unread_by(query, user) do
from s in query,
left_join: rm in assoc(s, :read_marks),
on: rm.user_id == ^,
where: is_nil(
def unread_by(user), do: unread_by(DRBot.Story, user)
And use it like:
user = Repo.get(MyApp.User, 1)
unread_stories = MyApp.Story.unread_by(user) |> Repo.all
We can even chain it with other queries:
query = from s in MyApp.Story, where: s.published_on == ^today
unread_stories_published_today =
MyApp.Story.unread_by(query, user)
|> Repo.all
# or the other way around
query = MyApp.Story.unread_by(user)
unread_stories_published_today =
(from s in query, where: s.published_on == ^today)
|> Repo.all