Converting the other direction is widely documented but going in the other direction required a little more digging. Here’s how I did it:

$ mkdir frames
$ ffmpeg -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -i INPUT_FILE.webm -pix_fmt rgba frames/%04d.png
$ ffmpeg -r 24 -i frames/%04d.png -c:v prores_ks -pix_fmt yuva444p10le

That’ll give you a ProRes4444 version of it. To convert further, I used a macOS built-in service.

  1. Right-click on
  2. Select Services > Encode Selected Video Files
  3. Select HEVC 1080p as the setting and check Preseve Transparency

This should give you a which you can rename to .mp4.

Using transparent video is easy and widely supported these days. Fun!